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Carline Naturopath

Natural health

Naturopathy is an alternative or an accompaniment to traditional medicine.

It is not a question of replacing a drug with a plant or an essential oil.

That's called green allopathy.

It relieves, sometimes. As in all cases of self-medication, it can be very dangerous and it does not improve the general condition in the long term.


Naturopathy is a holistic approach: we consider the functioning of an individual as a whole, with his lifestyle, his diet, his habits ... without judgment. For this, we can use several methods: Phytotherapy (plants), aromatherapy (essential oils), Bach Flowers,  Reflexology, natural care based on clay or honey but above all we examine your eating habits.

It will be a question of giving simple advice and as natural as possible to improve its general state, according to its needs, its way of life and its wish.

Each individual is unique: there is no "ready-made protocol" in naturopathy.


In naturopathy too, it is important  to limit self-medication and to approach health in a more natural but also more sustainable way, without however replacing conventional medical approaches.


There are as many practices as there are naturopaths.

Do not hesitate to contact me to find out more.

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525 Av. Des Colombières
74490 Saint-Jeoire


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